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Showing posts from January, 2017

The Year that was

By Now I think everyone had enough of the New Year, New Me post don't worry I will try my hardest not to do that here. Instead I would like to recap a little on the year that was.  2016, whew, insert hand swiping my forehead here. Let's see, how many time did you sing Closer by Chainsmokers? What was your favorite movie? I like Civil War but Suicide Squad gave me a fun memory. What was your biggest project completed? First and foremost my theme song for 2016 is "Thank you for the broken heart" by J. Rice. If you're reading my previous posts, well, thank you, but it doesn't take a genius to know that I had a heartbreak but I have to thank it because it opened a lot of doors for me. It wasn't a bitter break-up but just as others, it was sad. It happened at the start of the year which I think was good because it gave me a chance to revisit my goal for the year and what I really wanted.  So drum roll please... On door no. 1, I had a chance to reconnect