Did you know the star of the TV Series "Chuck, Zachary Levi can sing. He collaborated a song with Katherine Mcphee the song titled "Terrified" written by American Idol judge Kara Dioguardi. Nice song by the way. Really nice melody and the blending is superb. When I first heard the song and heard his voice, I was just literally melting in my seat, Zac if you ever read this, you have nice voice that can pierce through our heart it was just magical, as if everything just got softened and you just want to be in love right then and there. Ok that was way too much description for his voice, it was really amazing, so glad we heard you sing, you should do it on the show, but then again if you do it, will it still have this effect on your watchers? fans? Probably so.
Mr. Charming Zachary Levi appeared in the video the debuted May 7, 2010 which is available in youtube. Now click here to watch it. (Clicking it now and will watch it for the god knows how many times)
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