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Showing posts from October, 2010

Scary Books

When I was a kid, R.L. Stein was King of Spooky book among us. Since it is Halloween I thought of looking for a scary book in my small collection and realized I didn't have any. Except fro some Vampire books which of course in this era does not fall under the horror category. So, I'm thinking of getting a good scary book, any suggestion? And don't tell me Stephen King because I might be tempted to just wait for the movie, though we know that always, book is better. any suggestion for this?

Things I Wanna Do

There are lots of things I wanna do, and I am hopeful that I am able to do it in the next months and years. Inspired by the book "Eat Pray Love", I told myself that I will be enrolling in the so much delayed Spanish class I wanted to take since back in my College years. (Way overdue right?). I do not know what I will do with it but heck, why do I need to think what I will do with it, It'll come handy someday. I want to live alone, like my own, place, my own rules, my own choice of visitors. (For readers from another culture, in the Philippines it is not unusual that a mid twenty woman is still living in their parent's house, before they were only allowed to leave their parent's house when they have their own family already, or once she get married). So I thought of saving for this sanctuary I am longing to have. I want to eat in a fancy restaurant, like authentic stakes or food on the menu you can't even pronounce and just point the picture to the attendant ta...