Ever since my cousin let me read "Shadows of the Wind" I became a fan of Carlos Ruiz Zafon. I love his story telling style, how he creates a dark aura on the novel yet very descriptive that will let you travel in second world war Spain.
For Angel's Game we encounter characters and places that we previously read in "Shadows of the Wind". What I like about it is, it is not the book we see on the stands today that there is a pre-requisite book that we need to read to be able to understand the nex
t one. The books are not series books but a spin off from each other but is treated differently and individually so you don't have to read the other to be able to understand the other one.
I would like to recommend the book for the rich vocabularies inside it and the history we somehow learn in school. Although it is a bit dragging at the start, once you were able to understand the plot surely you will never put the book down.

I once played charades in my first job, first of all, I know I'm very good with charades because I have lots of practice, every New Year's eve party one of the highlights of the night is the girls vs boys charades that is why I have developed strategies and ways to answer and to act out the words. So this book was acted out and I was so disappointed with myself that I wasn't able to answer it and it is a book that I don't even know, so ever since that day, I told myself I am going to read "Like Water for Chocolate". Several years have passed and I just read the book and I dissolved with the story.
I felt like I was in a Drama TV series, where else are you going to see that your loved one married your sister, with characters meeting being connected somehow with each other.
In the course of reading it, if it is possible to smell what the heroin was cooking I did. That is how effective the words that described her cooking. If I could only taste the succulent and decadent desserts and mouth watering meat she prepared.
I can write thousands of reason why I was not able to read it not until April of 2011, but somehow I was glad I did, at that time I was studying Spanish for beginners and it helped me understand their cultures and tradition.
Overall, This book wouldn't make it as a Classic if it is not the best, One of the best love story ever told.
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