If you're an avid book reader like me and most of my friends I am sure if there's a book sale or book fair you will be doing anything just to go there and get a glimpse even if it means you're not going to sleep yet. A month ago I knew that there will be a book sale thanks to my friend who will have their booth there. I made a note on my planner, whatever happens I will go with the hopes of finding some of the books that is on my list. Sadly since I went there Saturday and it started Wednesday, some of the books I want were out of stock already, but I made sure that Although it says 32nd Manila International Book Fair, I only started going to the book fair last year, because it was only last year that I was using my internet or more informative ways, like following blogs, using twitter and tumblr for informations re. sale or any useful tips, not just using my internet for games in facebook or cyber stalking. I found more books last year, probably the friend I went with last...
Writing has always been my passion and reading is a favorite hobby. I started this blog to reviews the books I so called "devoured" but then through the years I expanded my interests and decided to write my experiences here. I hope that you'll find this blog informative and entertaining just as I intended it to be.