kokology - [Japanese, kokoro, mind, spirit, feeling + Greek - logia, the study of] 1. A series of psycholigical games designed to uncover emotional and behavioral traits of players. 2. A popular term for the interpretation of the hidden meanings of human behavior and situational responses.
From Kokology 2

I can't believe have not blogged about Kokology before. Anyway. There was a time in my life, maybe some of you did too, that I was confuse and I just wanted to find myself. I didn't know what I want, I didn't have plans for the future. Nothing, nada. Simply because I failed no.1 question. What do I want? To find out what I want I needed to know who am I. There are times that we enjoy people telling us what they think of us, because we didn't know we possess that kind of trait they were telling us about.
As one Fishisms goes "you're not who you are. You're only what other people think of you."
I had a one year journey in finding myself, in order to make a plan of what I wanted to be in the future. I didn't have a goal. Just like the water in the sea and ocean. It flows endlessly, it reaches the sea, to the river, back to ocean and then goes another journey.
Aside from the people who helped me, I consulted Kokology. In a desperate attempt to unlock something about myself that I myself didn't know.
I first heard of Kokology in one of my class exercises back in College. My Film teacher introduced it to us, just an icebreaker after watching "Citizen Kane" (yes, we needed the breather after that). And it struck me, I wanted a copy of that, not knowing that it'll help me in the future.
I haven't done all the exercises in the book, but somehow, the exercises I picked made me laugh because I realized that yes it is true.
From time to time I answer a game or two from the book. People constantly change, it amazes me that in answering the game, it reflects the changes in me. The way I think and feel towards others or myself.
I highly suggest you get your own copy. And enjoy the discovery of a surprising you.
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