1. | wallflower | |
| a type of loner. seemingly shy folks who no one really knows. often some of the most interesting people if one actually talks to them. cute. |
2. | wallflower
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| Usually refer to people who are shy and fade in the background , that none really knows or pays any attention to. Its been a while since I wrote something here, and these past few months I have been reading but no writing so I thought I’ll put my mind to work and write about one of the books I read during the short hiatus. |

The books I read during the writing break, I should be able to blog about them soon, I hope.
How do you choose what book to read next? Word of mouth? internet? Best seller’s list? All of the above? I decided to read this book because it is going to be a film, well as we all know the book is always better (For those who read anyway).
What can I say? It’s not what I think it is, I thought it’s a love story, a teeny bopper-ish but I was dead wrong. It actually involves teens, but not the usual candy girl kind of book. It is actually a very good coming of age book. And I like it because it is from a view of someone who really should be telling us stories about everyone. Someone who knows everything but doesn’t tell a soul, doesn’t even react and just passes by without attracting huge attention. In other words, a perfect disguise for superheroes.
I like the book because it gives us a different meaning to those who are invisible, they are
suddenly interesting while really they are. I like people who are wallflowers actually. I have this colleague who used to be a wallflower, take note of the word, used to be. He is in every sense a wallflower, not until we worked closely he told me he likes listening to my calls when someone new is sitting beside me because I explain to them what I do in my call. He told me stuff that only with those observant yes would recognize. And as per the definition the wallflowers are some of the most interesting people you’ll get to know. So we discovered there are lots of things we have in common,. Animes, books, unusual topic others wouldn’t talk about. But of course people evolve and him was for the better, he started being confident and witty and really smart so he isn't a wallflower now. Not that I’m disappointed, I’m happy about him changing for the better.Back to the book and to make my point. If you read the book you will understand why Wallflowers are a good confidante. Why we need them and why those with dark secrets should be afraid of them.
I like the way Mr. Chbosky described the protagonist thinking, his ideas and thoughts it gave him a concrete character, one that is not complicated but not too simple as well. The book introduced me to other style of writing and new story to work on. This is far from what I am used to reading. It made me feel mature when I read it. Which by the way I should really feel, I’m not very young you know. That “infinite” phrase in the book, I don’t really get it but I felt it, it is beyond words when you try to describe it. These are some instances when I don’t really have a word for it. I guess you better read the book to understand it.
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