Recession hit us in one way or another. For me I have to give up some of the things I used to always do One, is the Starbucks coffee, we all can agree that their coffee are warm and the aroma is inviting but they are so expensive too. So I have to look for alternative to suffice my morning energy boost, enter 7-11 coffee. Two, my daily solo cab going to work, well thanks to a neighbor which I just need to ask for a change shift so we can share the fare. And three, My monthly splurge on books. It has been years since I bought a book and I miss the smell of paper, the physical feeling of turning a page but I can not just give up on my love for fiction and love stories and the rill of mysteries, so I decided to surrender to e-books which I have vowed that I am not going to use, in support of my favorite authors.
There are several books I have read using Bluefire Apps. This is the first application I learned to use. I found a seller of e-books for 5php (ebookstories in instagram) so I used to order from her until my cousins taught me how to search in Google and load it in my Ibook. I also have a friend who uploads e-book in her icloud so we can search and choose what to download from her profile.
After several months and I got an Android phone and found out that some of my friends are using this app, it's 10,000+ ebook whuch is really useful for me (I still use it). Everything that I am looking for is there, well not everything but mostly.
Using ebooks gave me a chance to enjoy my favorite hobby but don't worry I haven't totally abandoned the good ol' paper books in fact, I bought two, recently. It's just a good alternative if you're in a tight budget. And I can enjoy reading even when the lights are out.
Hopefully I can share with you my thoughts with the books I read from ebooks. And really soon I will, for the mean time I will enjoy "Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock" in 10,000+ ebooks.
Images are from Google image

After several months and I got an Android phone and found out that some of my friends are using this app, it's 10,000+ ebook whuch is really useful for me (I still use it). Everything that I am looking for is there, well not everything but mostly.
Using ebooks gave me a chance to enjoy my favorite hobby but don't worry I haven't totally abandoned the good ol' paper books in fact, I bought two, recently. It's just a good alternative if you're in a tight budget. And I can enjoy reading even when the lights are out.

Images are from Google image
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