My TV (pardon my feet) |
I almost forgot about this blog. Thanks to my sister who asked how she will start a blog. It's almost two years since I last posted something and I can't do an annual recap because we're approaching the last chapter of 2018. I originally started this blog so I can write reviews of the books I've read. Sadly, I haven't been reading as much as I was before. So until I finish another book, let me post some of the things that happened to me.
More than a year ago I moved to the US to be with my parents.I know that everyone was excited for me to fly and join them because we waited for my petition papers for fourteen years. Yes, people, you read that right, fourteen, one - four. Behind the waves and the good bye hugs are the tears I kept so hard from falling. Because moving to another country means leaving the 34 years of friendship, happiness, adventures and misadventures. But at the back of my mind are the vast opportunity that Uncle Sam will give me. Yes, just like any other OFWs' reason.
I was sad that I will leave my room aka my Batcave, my sanctuary. If walls could talk, I will treat the four walls of that room nicely and protect it with all my life because that room just know everything about me, by everything means deepest darkest up to the realm of Hades secret.
Just me waiting for Captain America |
Horsehoe bend |
I'm sad to leave my 55" inch TV, it sounds crazy right? but that television gave me so much joy from watching movies to hooking it up to the internet and do instructional dance videos. It became the one tool that brought me and my cousins closer. Everyday I would wait for them to show up at our our house, hearing them say "We're home" because they spend more time in my house than theirs. We would start the day by watching youtube videos of our favorite Kpop artists. Followed by movies or kdrama and then to cap our day is a 30 to 40 minutes dance exercise in the hope to inspire each other to lose weight. Some days other cousins would join us and have movie night that means calling for McDonald's delivery and borrowing out Grannies' senior citizen card to get the 20% discount.
I'm missing the space of the house, the independence I once just prayed for. The freedom and the responsibilities that comes along with that.
Celebrating my Dad's birthday after 14 yrs |
Apartment life was waiting for me at the bay area, this means limited space I can move around. I have to share television with my dad or watch reality shows with my Mom. Living with them after 10 years of independence means to text them at 9pm saying you are still in the gym or at 6pm telling them that you're in the train on the way back home. Kdramas are pre-downloaded on my phone so I can watch it while on the threadmill. Those are little adjustments I made since I got here.
Those adjustments also meant celebrating Mother's Day, Father's Day, and my parents's birthday. Looking forward to Sunday to have our weekly breakfast after church. Having to wake up every morning knowing my lunch is ready because my Mom has prepared it.
Moving to the US gave me reasons to travel because the country itself has a lot to offer. The job I have, let me afford concerts and shows that I hardly see back in the Philippines. It also allows me to buy a little something for myself and send stuff to the Philippines and gives joy to people that you really miss.
My workplace family |
My first concert in the US |
Overall, as it is in everything there are pros and cons, we just have to be motivated and focus on the pros and use that to direct our life to a more positive outlook. I'm sure there are thousands of reasons for me to be sad and to be homesick but also, there are a million reasons to stay here to find new friends and create another happiness, adventures and misadventures.
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